// source --> https://ugit.ru/wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7/includes/js/scripts.js?ver=5.3 ( function( $ ) { 'use strict'; if ( typeof wpcf7 === 'undefined' || wpcf7 === null ) { return; } wpcf7 = $.extend( { cached: 0, inputs: [] }, wpcf7 ); $( function() { wpcf7.supportHtml5 = ( function() { var features = {}; var input = document.createElement( 'input' ); features.placeholder = 'placeholder' in input; var inputTypes = [ 'email', 'url', 'tel', 'number', 'range', 'date' ]; $.each( inputTypes, function( index, value ) { input.setAttribute( 'type', value ); features[ value ] = input.type !== 'text'; } ); return features; } )(); $( 'div.wpcf7 > form' ).each( function() { var $form = $( this ); wpcf7.initForm( $form ); if ( wpcf7.cached ) { wpcf7.refill( $form ); } } ); } ); wpcf7.getId = function( form ) { return parseInt( $( 'input[name="_wpcf7"]', form ).val(), 10 ); }; wpcf7.initForm = function( form ) { var $form = $( form ); wpcf7.setStatus( $form, 'init' ); $form.submit( function( event ) { if ( ! wpcf7.supportHtml5.placeholder ) { $( '[placeholder].placeheld', $form ).each( function( i, n ) { $( n ).val( '' ).removeClass( 'placeheld' ); } ); } if ( typeof window.FormData === 'function' ) { wpcf7.submit( $form ); event.preventDefault(); } } ); $( '.wpcf7-submit', $form ).after( '' ); wpcf7.toggleSubmit( $form ); $form.on( 'click', '.wpcf7-acceptance', function() { wpcf7.toggleSubmit( $form ); } ); // Exclusive Checkbox $( '.wpcf7-exclusive-checkbox', $form ).on( 'click', 'input:checkbox', function() { var name = $( this ).attr( 'name' ); $form.find( 'input:checkbox[name="' + name + '"]' ).not( this ).prop( 'checked', false ); } ); // Free Text Option for Checkboxes and Radio Buttons $( '.wpcf7-list-item.has-free-text', $form ).each( function() { var $freetext = $( ':input.wpcf7-free-text', this ); var $wrap = $( this ).closest( '.wpcf7-form-control' ); if ( $( ':checkbox, :radio', this ).is( ':checked' ) ) { $freetext.prop( 'disabled', false ); } else { $freetext.prop( 'disabled', true ); } $wrap.on( 'change', ':checkbox, :radio', function() { var $cb = $( '.has-free-text', $wrap ).find( ':checkbox, :radio' ); if ( $cb.is( ':checked' ) ) { $freetext.prop( 'disabled', false ).focus(); } else { $freetext.prop( 'disabled', true ); } } ); } ); // Placeholder Fallback if ( ! wpcf7.supportHtml5.placeholder ) { $( '[placeholder]', $form ).each( function() { $( this ).val( $( this ).attr( 'placeholder' ) ); $( this ).addClass( 'placeheld' ); $( this ).focus( function() { if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'placeheld' ) ) { $( this ).val( '' ).removeClass( 'placeheld' ); } } ); $( this ).blur( function() { if ( '' === $( this ).val() ) { $( this ).val( $( this ).attr( 'placeholder' ) ); $( this ).addClass( 'placeheld' ); } } ); } ); } if ( wpcf7.jqueryUi && ! wpcf7.supportHtml5.date ) { $form.find( 'input.wpcf7-date[type="date"]' ).each( function() { $( this ).datepicker( { dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd', minDate: new Date( $( this ).attr( 'min' ) ), maxDate: new Date( $( this ).attr( 'max' ) ) } ); } ); } if ( wpcf7.jqueryUi && ! wpcf7.supportHtml5.number ) { $form.find( 'input.wpcf7-number[type="number"]' ).each( function() { $( this ).spinner( { min: $( this ).attr( 'min' ), max: $( this ).attr( 'max' ), step: $( this ).attr( 'step' ) } ); } ); } // Character Count wpcf7.resetCounter( $form ); // URL Input Correction $form.on( 'change', '.wpcf7-validates-as-url', function() { var val = $.trim( $( this ).val() ); if ( val && ! val.match( /^[a-z][a-z0-9.+-]*:/i ) && -1 !== val.indexOf( '.' ) ) { val = val.replace( /^\/+/, '' ); val = 'http://' + val; } $( this ).val( val ); } ); }; wpcf7.submit = function( form ) { if ( typeof window.FormData !== 'function' ) { return; } var $form = $( form ); $( '.ajax-loader', $form ).addClass( 'is-active' ); wpcf7.clearResponse( $form ); var formData = new FormData( $form.get( 0 ) ); var detail = { id: $form.closest( 'div.wpcf7' ).attr( 'id' ), status: 'init', inputs: [], formData: formData }; $.each( $form.serializeArray(), function( i, field ) { if ( '_wpcf7' == field.name ) { detail.contactFormId = field.value; } else if ( '_wpcf7_version' == field.name ) { detail.pluginVersion = field.value; } else if ( '_wpcf7_locale' == field.name ) { detail.contactFormLocale = field.value; } else if ( '_wpcf7_unit_tag' == field.name ) { detail.unitTag = field.value; } else if ( '_wpcf7_container_post' == field.name ) { detail.containerPostId = field.value; } else if ( field.name.match( /^_/ ) ) { // do nothing } else { detail.inputs.push( field ); } } ); wpcf7.triggerEvent( $form.closest( 'div.wpcf7' ), 'beforesubmit', detail ); var ajaxSuccess = function( data, status, xhr, $form ) { detail.id = $( data.into ).attr( 'id' ); detail.status = data.status; detail.apiResponse = data; switch ( data.status ) { case 'init': wpcf7.setStatus( $form, 'init' ); break; case 'validation_failed': $.each( data.invalid_fields, function( i, n ) { $( n.into, $form ).each( function() { wpcf7.notValidTip( this, n.message ); $( '.wpcf7-form-control', this ).addClass( 'wpcf7-not-valid' ); $( '.wpcf7-form-control', this ).attr( 'aria-describedby', n.error_id ); $( '[aria-invalid]', this ).attr( 'aria-invalid', 'true' ); } ); } ); wpcf7.setStatus( $form, 'invalid' ); wpcf7.triggerEvent( data.into, 'invalid', detail ); break; case 'acceptance_missing': wpcf7.setStatus( $form, 'unaccepted' ); wpcf7.triggerEvent( data.into, 'unaccepted', detail ); break; case 'spam': wpcf7.setStatus( $form, 'spam' ); wpcf7.triggerEvent( data.into, 'spam', detail ); break; case 'aborted': wpcf7.setStatus( $form, 'aborted' ); wpcf7.triggerEvent( data.into, 'aborted', detail ); break; case 'mail_sent': wpcf7.setStatus( $form, 'sent' ); wpcf7.triggerEvent( data.into, 'mailsent', detail ); break; case 'mail_failed': wpcf7.setStatus( $form, 'failed' ); wpcf7.triggerEvent( data.into, 'mailfailed', detail ); break; default: wpcf7.setStatus( $form, 'custom-' + data.status.replace( /[^0-9a-z]+/i, '-' ) ); } wpcf7.refill( $form, data ); wpcf7.triggerEvent( data.into, 'submit', detail ); if ( 'mail_sent' == data.status ) { $form.each( function() { this.reset(); } ); wpcf7.toggleSubmit( $form ); wpcf7.resetCounter( $form ); } if ( ! 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  • ' ).append( $( '' ).attr( 'href', '#' + n.idref ).append( n.message ) ); } else { var $li = $( '
  • ' ).append( n.message ); } $li.attr( 'id', n.error_id ); $( 'ul', $response ).append( $li ); } ); } } ); if ( data.posted_data_hash ) { $form.find( 'input[name="_wpcf7_posted_data_hash"]' ).first() .val( data.posted_data_hash ); } }; $.ajax( { type: 'POST', url: wpcf7.apiSettings.getRoute( '/contact-forms/' + wpcf7.getId( $form ) + '/feedback' ), data: formData, dataType: 'json', processData: false, contentType: false } ).done( function( data, status, xhr ) { ajaxSuccess( data, status, xhr, $form ); $( '.ajax-loader', $form ).removeClass( 'is-active' ); } ).fail( function( xhr, status, error ) { var $e = $( '
    ' ).text( error.message ); $form.after( $e ); } ); }; wpcf7.triggerEvent = function( target, name, detail ) { var event = new CustomEvent( 'wpcf7' + name, { bubbles: true, detail: detail } ); $( target ).get( 0 ).dispatchEvent( event ); }; wpcf7.setStatus = function( form, status ) { var $form = $( form ); var prevStatus = $form.attr( 'data-status' ); $form.data( 'status', status ); $form.addClass( status ); $form.attr( 'data-status', status ); if ( prevStatus && prevStatus !== status ) { $form.removeClass( prevStatus ); } } wpcf7.toggleSubmit = function( form, state ) { var $form = $( form ); var $submit = $( 'input:submit', $form ); if ( typeof state !== 'undefined' ) { $submit.prop( 'disabled', ! state ); return; } if ( $form.hasClass( 'wpcf7-acceptance-as-validation' ) ) { return; } $submit.prop( 'disabled', false ); $( '.wpcf7-acceptance', $form ).each( function() { var $span = $( this ); var $input = $( 'input:checkbox', $span ); if ( ! $span.hasClass( 'optional' ) ) { if ( $span.hasClass( 'invert' ) && $input.is( ':checked' ) || ! $span.hasClass( 'invert' ) && ! $input.is( ':checked' ) ) { $submit.prop( 'disabled', true ); return false; } } } ); }; wpcf7.resetCounter = function( form ) { var $form = $( form ); $( '.wpcf7-character-count', $form ).each( function() { var $count = $( this ); var name = $count.attr( 'data-target-name' ); var down = $count.hasClass( 'down' ); var starting = parseInt( $count.attr( 'data-starting-value' ), 10 ); var maximum = parseInt( $count.attr( 'data-maximum-value' ), 10 ); var minimum = parseInt( $count.attr( 'data-minimum-value' ), 10 ); var updateCount = function( target ) { var $target = $( target ); var length = $target.val().length; var count = down ? starting - length : length; $count.attr( 'data-current-value', count ); $count.text( count ); if ( maximum && maximum < length ) { $count.addClass( 'too-long' ); } else { $count.removeClass( 'too-long' ); } if ( minimum && length < minimum ) { $count.addClass( 'too-short' ); } else { $count.removeClass( 'too-short' ); } }; $( ':input[name="' + name + '"]', $form ).each( function() { updateCount( this ); $( this ).keyup( function() { updateCount( this ); } ); } ); } ); }; wpcf7.notValidTip = function( target, message ) { var $target = $( target ); $( '.wpcf7-not-valid-tip', $target ).remove(); $( '' ).attr( { 'class': 'wpcf7-not-valid-tip', 'aria-hidden': 'true', } ).text( message ).appendTo( $target ); if ( $target.is( '.use-floating-validation-tip *' ) ) { var fadeOut = function( target ) { $( target ).not( ':hidden' ).animate( { opacity: 0 }, 'fast', function() { $( this ).css( { 'z-index': -100 } ); } ); }; $target.on( 'mouseover', '.wpcf7-not-valid-tip', function() { fadeOut( this ); } ); $target.on( 'focus', ':input', function() { fadeOut( $( '.wpcf7-not-valid-tip', $target ) ); } ); } }; wpcf7.refill = function( form, data ) { var $form = $( form ); var refillCaptcha = function( $form, items ) { $.each( items, function( i, n ) { $form.find( ':input[name="' + i + '"]' ).val( '' ); $form.find( 'img.wpcf7-captcha-' + i ).attr( 'src', n ); var match = /([0-9]+)\.(png|gif|jpeg)$/.exec( n ); $form.find( 'input:hidden[name="_wpcf7_captcha_challenge_' + i + '"]' ).attr( 'value', match[ 1 ] ); } ); }; var refillQuiz = function( $form, items ) { $.each( items, function( i, n ) { $form.find( ':input[name="' + i + '"]' ).val( '' ); $form.find( ':input[name="' + i + '"]' ).siblings( 'span.wpcf7-quiz-label' ).text( n[ 0 ] ); $form.find( 'input:hidden[name="_wpcf7_quiz_answer_' + i + '"]' ).attr( 'value', n[ 1 ] ); } ); }; if ( typeof data === 'undefined' ) { $.ajax( { type: 'GET', url: wpcf7.apiSettings.getRoute( '/contact-forms/' + wpcf7.getId( $form ) + '/refill' ), beforeSend: function( xhr ) { var nonce = $form.find( ':input[name="_wpnonce"]' ).val(); if ( nonce ) { xhr.setRequestHeader( 'X-WP-Nonce', nonce ); } }, dataType: 'json' } ).done( function( data, status, xhr ) { if ( data.captcha ) { refillCaptcha( $form, data.captcha ); } if ( data.quiz ) { refillQuiz( $form, data.quiz ); } } ); } else { if ( data.captcha ) { refillCaptcha( $form, data.captcha ); } if ( data.quiz ) { refillQuiz( $form, data.quiz ); } } }; wpcf7.clearResponse = function( form ) { var $form = $( form ); $form.siblings( '.screen-reader-response' ).each( function() { $( '[role="status"]', this ).html( '' ); $( 'ul', this ).html( '' ); } ); $( '.wpcf7-not-valid-tip', $form ).remove(); $( '[aria-invalid]', $form ).attr( 'aria-invalid', 'false' ); $( '.wpcf7-form-control', $form ).removeClass( 'wpcf7-not-valid' ); $( '.wpcf7-response-output', $form ).hide().empty(); }; wpcf7.apiSettings.getRoute = function( path ) { var url = wpcf7.apiSettings.root; url = url.replace( wpcf7.apiSettings.namespace, wpcf7.apiSettings.namespace + path ); return url; }; } )( jQuery ); /* * Polyfill for Internet Explorer * See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/CustomEvent/CustomEvent */ ( function () { if ( typeof window.CustomEvent === "function" ) return false; function CustomEvent ( event, params ) { params = params || { bubbles: false, cancelable: false, detail: undefined }; var evt = document.createEvent( 'CustomEvent' ); evt.initCustomEvent( event, params.bubbles, params.cancelable, params.detail ); return evt; } CustomEvent.prototype = window.Event.prototype; window.CustomEvent = CustomEvent; } )(); // source --> https://ugit.ru/wp-content/plugins/designthemes-core-features/shortcodes/js/jquery.tabs.min.js?ver=5.5.3 /* jQuery Tools 1.2.5 Tabs- The basics of UI design. NO COPYRIGHTS OR LICENSES. DO WHAT YOU LIKE. http://flowplayer.org/tools/tabs/ Since: November 2008 Date: Wed Sep 22 06:02:10 2010 +0000 */ (function(c){function p(d,b,a){var e=this,l=d.add(this),h=d.find(a.tabs),i=b.jquery?b:d.children(b),j;h.length||(h=d.children());i.length||(i=d.parent().find(b));i.length||(i=c(b));c.extend(this,{click:function(f,g){var k=h.eq(f);if(typeof f=="string"&&f.replace("#","")){k=h.filter("[href*="+f.replace("#","")+"]");f=Math.max(h.index(k),0)}if(a.rotate){var n=h.length-1;if(f<0)return e.click(n,g);if(f>n)return e.click(0,g)}if(!k.length){if(j>=0)return e;f=a.initialIndex;k=h.eq(f)}if(f===j)return e; g=g||c.Event();g.type="onBeforeClick";l.trigger(g,[f]);if(!g.isDefaultPrevented()){o[a.effect].call(e,f,function(){g.type="onClick";l.trigger(g,[f])});j=f;h.removeClass(a.current);k.addClass(a.current);return e}},getConf:function(){return a},getTabs:function(){return h},getPanes:function(){return i},getCurrentPane:function(){return i.eq(j)},getCurrentTab:function(){return h.eq(j)},getIndex:function(){return j},next:function(){return e.click(j+1)},prev:function(){return e.click(j-1)},destroy:function(){h.unbind(a.event).removeClass(a.current); i.find('a[href^="#"]').unbind("click.T");return e}});c.each("onBeforeClick,onClick".split(","),function(f,g){c.isFunction(a[g])&&c(e).bind(g,a[g]);e[g]=function(k){k&&c(e).bind(g,k);return e}});if(a.history&&c.fn.history){c.tools.history.init(h);a.event="history"}h.each(function(f){c(this).bind(a.event,function(g){e.click(f,g);return g.preventDefault()})});i.find('a[href^="#"]').bind("click.T",function(f){e.click(c(this).attr("href"),f)});if(location.hash&&a.tabs=="a"&&d.find("[href="+location.hash+"]").length)e.click(location.hash); else if(a.initialIndex===0||a.initialIndex>0)e.click(a.initialIndex)}c.tools=c.tools||{version:"1.2.5"};c.tools.tabs={conf:{tabs:"a",current:"current",onBeforeClick:null,onClick:null,effect:"default",initialIndex:0,event:"click",rotate:false,history:false},addEffect:function(d,b){o[d]=b}};var o={"default":function(d,b){this.getPanes().hide().eq(d).show();b.call()},fade:function(d,b){var a=this.getConf(),e=a.fadeOutSpeed,l=this.getPanes();e?l.fadeOut(e):l.hide();l.eq(d).fadeIn(a.fadeInSpeed,b)},slide:function(d, b){this.getPanes().slideUp(200);this.getPanes().eq(d).slideDown(400,b)},ajax:function(d,b){this.getPanes().eq(0).load(this.getTabs().eq(d).attr("href"),b)}},m;c.tools.tabs.addEffect("horizontal",function(d,b){m||(m=this.getPanes().eq(0).width());this.getCurrentPane().animate({width:0},function(){c(this).hide()});this.getPanes().eq(d).animate({width:m},function(){c(this).show();b.call()})});c.fn.fpTabs=function(d,b){var a=this.data("tabs");if(a){a.destroy();this.removeData("tabs")}if(c.isFunction(b))b= {onBeforeClick:b};b=c.extend({},c.tools.tabs.conf,b);this.each(function(){a=new p(c(this),d,b);c(this).data("tabs",a)});return b.api?a:this}})(jQuery); (function(c){var a;a=c.tools.tabs.slideshow={conf:{next:".forward",prev:".backward",disabledClass:"disabled",autoplay:false,autopause:true,interval:3000,clickable:true,api:false}};function b(k,i){var o=this,f=k.add(this),j=k.data("tabs"),e,d=true;function h(q){var p=c(q);return p.length<2?p:k.parent().find(q)}var n=h(i.next).click(function(){j.next()});var l=h(i.prev).click(function(){j.prev()});c.extend(o,{getTabs:function(){return j},getConf:function(){return i},play:function(){if(e){return o}var p=c.Event("onBeforePlay");f.trigger(p);if(p.isDefaultPrevented()){return o}m();d=false;f.trigger("onPlay");return o},pause:function(){if(!e){return o}var p=c.Event("onBeforePause");f.trigger(p);if(p.isDefaultPrevented()){return o}e=clearTimeout(e);f.trigger("onPause");return o},stop:function(){o.pause();d=true}});function m(){e=setTimeout(j.next,i.interval);j.onClick(function(p){if(p.originalEvent==null){e=clearTimeout(e);e=setTimeout(j.next,i.interval)}})}c.each("onBeforePlay,onPlay,onBeforePause,onPause".split(","),function(q,p){if(c.isFunction(i[p])){c(o).bind(p,i[p])}o[p]=function(r){return c(o).bind(p,r)}});if(i.autopause){j.getTabs().add(n).add(l).add(j.getPanes()).hover(o.pause,function(){if(!d){o.play()}})}if(i.autoplay){o.play()}if(i.clickable){j.getPanes().click(function(){j.next()})}if(!j.getConf().rotate){var g=i.disabledClass;if(!j.getIndex()){l.addClass(g)}j.onBeforeClick(function(q,p){l.toggleClass(g,!p);n.toggleClass(g,p==j.getTabs().length-1)})}}c.fn.slideshow=function(d){var e=this.data("slideshow");if(e){return e}d=c.extend({},a.conf,d);this.each(function(){e=new b(c(this),d);c(this).data("slideshow",e)});return d.api?e:this}})(jQuery); // source --> https://ugit.ru/wp-content/plugins/designthemes-core-features/shortcodes/js/jquery.tipTip.minified.js?ver=5.5.3 /* * TipTip * Copyright 2010 Drew Wilson * www.drewwilson.com * code.drewwilson.com/entry/tiptip-jquery-plugin * * Version 1.3 - Updated: Mar. 23, 2010 * * This Plug-In will create a custom tooltip to replace the default * browser tooltip. It is extremely lightweight and very smart in * that it detects the edges of the browser window and will make sure * the tooltip stays within the current window size. As a result the * tooltip will adjust itself to be displayed above, below, to the left * or to the right depending on what is necessary to stay within the * browser window. It is completely customizable as well via CSS. * * This TipTip jQuery plug-in is dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses: * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html */ (function($){$.fn.tipTip=function(options){var defaults={activation:"hover",keepAlive:false,maxWidth:"200px",edgeOffset:3,defaultPosition:"bottom",delay:400,fadeIn:200,fadeOut:200,attribute:"title",content:false,enter:function(){},exit:function(){}};var opts=$.extend(defaults,options);if($("#tiptip_holder").length<=0){var tiptip_holder=$('
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